Beechcliffe School

Safe Joyful Learning

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley

Interim Headteacher: Lee harris

Head of School - Keighley: Michelle Nichols
Head of School - Thackley: Dave Prosho

Keighley: Greenhead Road, Utley, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 6ED

Thackley: Ellar Carr Road, Thackley, Bradford, BD10 0TD

Keighley: 01535603041 Thackley: 01274057898

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Careers in KS3

Careers education in taught discretely and also takes place through other curriculum lessons, in English and maths it is taught through practical and functional skills.

As part of their PSHE curriculum pupils will learn about the word of work, personal hygiene, healthy relationships and keeping healthy; physically and mentally; All which will help to build on their personal development and in gaining the skills and knowledge to empower the individual to be able to communicate and be part of a wider community;  which may include being able to use local facilities,  access working environments, interact effectively with employees and employers and ultimately be part of the working world.

In key stage three pupils will participate in key stage assemblies with guest speakers, they will all encounter visitors from a range of different working environments who will be invited into school, and they will learn how to recognise people by what they wear and learn about what skills they use in their jobs.


Pupils will get the opportunity to experience work places for example, by making planned trips to Asda where it has been arranged for them to interview employers and look at different job opportunities with in one place. They will also be visiting a local food establishment, and through the schools enterprise advisor,

There will be opportunities for pupils and their families to gain advice from local colleges and work based charities at parents evening when the school hosts a small careers fair showcase.

As part of getting the Gatsby benchmarks, we have been working with the Leeds Enterprise Partnership and North Yorkshire Enterprise Partnership which has enabled us to plan and host work related events, featuring visiting speakers and organisations, including enterprise days, work skills related workshops and STEM workshops and this will be  available across each key stage.

Each class in Key Stage 3 has class jobs and a school council member all of which is good preparation for the pupils in gaining an understanding of positive work ethics and responsibilities.